What an absolute treat to have been sent these AMAZING photographs by one of my former brides – thank you Natalie!
Bringing new style to old, Natalie & Darryl requested old-fashioned bakery style butterfly cupcakes with jam, (butter)cream and icing sugar for their Rainbow Beach wedding earlier this year.
Arranged underneath a gluten free dark chocolate mud cutting cake, the cupcakes look too good to eat in these incredible images by Anya Maria Photography!

Bringing new style to old with a tower of butterfly cupcakes – gorgeous image by Anya Maria Photography

Old-fashioned bakery style butterfly cupcakes superbly captured by Anya Maria Photography
Visit Anya’s website to see more of her incredible work: http://www.anyamaria.com/
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Tagged: Anya Maria Photography, cake, cake decorator, cake stands, cupcakes, gluten free, gluten free wedding cake, Gympie, Rainbow Beach, Rainbow Beach cake decorator, Rainbow Beach wedding cake, wedding, wedding cake, wedding photographer